Edward Learman

Edward Learman


London, England

Member Since:
May 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Edward

I'm interest in pursuing a career as a writer and filmmaker, I have a long time passion for British cinema, theatre and television, and hope to continue writing for these formats regardless of whether or not this first attempt at creating a feature is successful. At 33, I have not successfully written or produced any other scripts, and do not have a portfolio, but which I am in the process of forming when I'm able to do so.
Whilst at University I had developed my written and verbal skills to an academic level and learnt how to time-manage when preparing critical discussions for deadlines, seminars and power-point presentations. This focused on cinema and literary discourses, and is where I learnt to read texts from a critical perspective. I had also gained experience from working in a creative team for the Student Union through where I had written production outlines for short films and editorial tasks for the college newspaper. I have a strong interest in social issues and media technology, which I have enjoying learning about from reading article submissions and discussions with my colleagues in production.



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