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By Walter E. Jacobson

GENRE: Biography, Fantasy, Historical
LOGLINE: Einstein, 76, having failed to discover a Unified Field Theory, and filled with guilt and remorse over personal choices he's made in his life, invents a device which folds time and space, bringing him face to face with his 40 year old self, who, along with psychoanalyst Carl Jung and quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli, help him to resolve his conflicts and solve the mathematical puzzle that has been plaguing him for decades.


The story begins when Einstein is in his seventies, nearing his death, having failed to discover a Unified Field Theory after 36 years of obsessively struggling to do so. He is consumed with frustration after years of failure and disappointment. More than a matter of scientific equations, he is faced with a psychological challenge requiring that he confront his demons. He has to overcome his guilt related to his earlier discoveries generating weapons of mass destruction. He also has to reconcile inconsistencies regarding his positions on pacifism and nationalism when they were put to the test by, respectively, Adolf Hitler and the Jewish people's need to create the nation of Israel. His angst and ambivalence is reflected in nightmares of death and nuclear holocaust, which leads him to seek the aid of Carl Jung, a friend and psychoanalyst who performs dream interpretation and hypnotic regression on Einstein in order to help him get past his Unified Field Theory mental block. Einstein discovers in his attic a failed experimental device, a cerebral augmenter, which he had invented in his forties and put aside. When he tinkers with it anew and tests it again, it results in the folding of time and space, bringing him face-to-face with his 40 year old self who was at the height of his Theory of Relativity success. With the assistance of his 40 year old self, his friend Carl Jung, and another close friend, Wolfgang Pauli, a physicist who believes in Quantum Theory uncertainty and shares with Jung a belief in the theory of synchronicity, Einstein moves closer to resolving his guilt and solving the mathematical puzzle he's been struggling with for so many years. Through a progression of dreams, an hallucinogenic experience with mescaline, a series of out of body astral projections, a view of parallel universes, and a synchronistic I-Ching reading, Einstein manages to resolve his conflicts and discover a Unified Field Theory, only to take it to his grave, knowing that mankind is not yet mature enough to deal with the forces this knowledge can unleash. On his deathbed, Einstein utters the words, "Remember humanity, forget the rest," an echo of a long-ago speech he made to students on the importance of becoming a person not of mere success, but of value. A blend of drama, biography and fantasy with underlying humanistic themes.

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