Sebas Van Den Brink's Reel

XPAR Vision/Bottero - BoX (English)

For the XPAR Vision-Bottero coproduction BoX I developed an animation based on the production line. Animated literally using lines, it stands for the improvements BoX can make to the glass container industry production lines. Final version. Client: XPAR Vision & Bottero Producer: Initio Concept/animation: Sebas van den Brink Audio/voice-over: Gijs van Veldhuizen (Audiogijs)

Gemeente Den Haag - Integraal Beheer (Dutch)

Voor de Gemeente Den Haag heeft Sebas van den Brink deze animatie ontwikkeld. Hierbij wordt Integraal Beheer geïntroduceerd aan de werknemers van de gemeente. Het is een algemene introductie tot de voordelen van het nieuwe systeem. Hierbij is gekozen voor een illustratieve stijl die herkenbare elementen gebruikt uit de stad Den Haag. De stip focust en werpt een venster op de 'werkelijkheid'. Client: Gemeente Den Haag Informatiemanagement Concept/Animatie: Sebas van den Brink 3D Animatie: Alexander Otto - Big Pixel Audio: Gijs van Veldhuizen - Audiogijs

SVDB Reel 2014

Reels. I'd rather not. But sometimes you gotta. Never again. Probably. Please see my portfolio at and check out the concepts behind each item. Music: Asobi Seksu - Mizu Asobi

Bitcoin Properly - The real value of bitcoin and crypto currency…

This explanimation is a renewed attempt at explaning the real value of bitcoin and crypto currencies in general. It takes a slightly different angle and looks further beyond simply digital money. It deals with property of any kind and the blockchain as a replacement for 'classic' third parties such as banks, notaries and other institutions.

I Swear By My Beard (Dutch, Subtitled)

Winner Academy Minerva Prize Communicatie Design 2009. This is the final version of my short documentary I Swear By My Beard. Searching for the meaning of a beard. At first I meant to make a lighthearted documentary on beards, but during the process of making it a story developed. Shot on a Sony VX2000 with a wide angle lens for additional blurring around the picture (when zoomed in this effect was so bad the camera couldn't focus anymore).

Eight Hours Overtime In A Good Cause - 2014 (English)

Participate, working Eight Hours Overtime In A Good Cause Also see A pro bono animation written, storyboarded and animated by Sebas van den Brink Audio: Renger Koning.

ABN AMRO - Ecosysteem - TMT Sector (Dutch)

For ABN AMRO, a large Dutch bank, I developed an explanimation to introduce the bank's vision on the technology, media and telecommunications sector (TMT). It was designed with a forced perspective, slightly digital and with extended brand colors. Director, design, animation, storyboard, script: Sebas van den Brink Audio: Renger Koning

XPAR Vision - 2013 (English)

English version for the glass container production process equipment manufacturer XPAR Vision. It was designed to resemble instructionals and visual manuals, infographics and other informative illustrations. Producer: Initio Design, script, storyboard, animation: Sebas van den Brink Audio: Renger Koning

City of Groningen - OCSW WSR - Dot on 2018 (Dutch)

For the sports organisation of the City of Groningen (the Netherlands) I was asked to develop a motivational animation. This was used in meetings with groups of employees as an introduction to the organisation's 2018 plans. The idea behind the design was that of semi-cinematic colours, backdrops and compositions. Also, the animation goes from morning to evening. Director, script, storyboard, animation: Sebas van den Brink Audio: Joost Kraaijenbrink

Pi7 - Vraag Profiel Instrument (Dutch)

For Pi7 (a partnership between local educational semi-governmental organisations) an explanimation was produced to help explain what their new software tool - VPi - is about. It was extensively used in presentations and meetings. Completely designed using lines. Design, Script, Storyboard, Animation, Direction: Sebas van den Brink Audio: Gijs van Veldhuizen

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