Keta Kosman's Reel


THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES as a camera operator. The just-finished Dogfish totem pole was in the canoe carving hut of the Kay Haida Heritage Centre over this holiday season. I happened upon Tyler, apprentice Haida carver who worked on this totem when his uncle, lead carver, took ill. Tyler provides some historical and cultural background of the new pole, to go up soon on Haida Gwaii as a replacement to an old one which fell down.

Wild Bald Eagles, Early Egg Tending

Vancouver, BC, Canada -- The wild bald eagles nesting at Jericho Park in Vancouver have laid eggs, at least one egg. Activity will be high now until August. One adult sits on the egg, then the mates switch. A non-resident bald eagle flies overhead and gets called off, and a juvenile eagle circles over then wafts away into the distance.

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