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By Christine Villarreal

GENRE: Not selected

What would you do for change? For your family? Dillian would do anything for his......


He loved the high, nothing compared to it, and nothing could ever free him from it. It was his way out- no pain, no fear, no past. It was complete freedom for Dillian, until he met her Mary Jane. She became his world, his heaven, and he quickly became emerged in her love, a love he never knew existed. He adored her and admired her strength. She had overcome battles that would send some reaching for a noose and chair. Together they gave birth to a beautiful son, named Chase. Dillian is determined to give his son a life he never had filled with love, and opportunities, but only falls short when he is unable to hold a job and provide- With a second child on the way Dillian knows something needs to change and fast. Desperate he awakes and relentlessly looks for work, but finds nothing but Black (a business man willing to take a chance on Dillian). The future looks optimistic for Dillian, finally the break he is looking for. What Dillian doesnt know is the sacrifice he will have to make to receive change-in order to recieve you must give.......THE SACRIFICE


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