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By Jodie Randisi

GENRE: Biography

The true story of how government boarding schools changed a Native American boy into an alcoholic criminal, and how love changed that boy into a Hollywood actor and minister. Despite the enemy's attempts to take his life and extinguish her faith, Wil and Linda find unlikely love that transforms both their lives.


An inmate who starts out a pen pal and ends up a husband, that's sketchy territory, but in Wil and Linda's case, it turned out to be sacred territory. A classified ad in the Navajo Times newspaper captured the attention of repeat offender Wil Yazzie, beginning his pen pal relationship with young and innocent Linda, which activated Wil's amazing reversal-of-destiny story. If it were not for the unconditional love and relentless, faith-filled prayers of his wife Linda, Wil Yazzie would have died like most of his reservation drinking buddies.

After a short time of married life in Ohio, Wil falls off the wagon. Without saying good-bye, WIl abandons Linda to go back to the reservation where he can openly feed his addictions. After twenty-eight years without knowing if Wil was dead or alive, Linda finds out her ex-husband has finally achieved sobriety and experienced some major accomplishments during their nearly three decades apart. She agrees to remarry Wil and decides to sell the family home so she and Wil can live and minister on the reservation.

Being a pastor's wife and ministering as a missionary on the reservation seemed like a dream come true but was far from what she had envisioned. Wil dies prematurely, his death directly attributed to what appears to be an intentional lack of medical care. Linda is forced to leave the reservation and their ministry. When word gets back to Ohio, Sam, the man who bought Linda’s home, convinces the overwhelmed widow to file a medical negligence lawsuit, which he’s convinced Linda will win. With that in mind, Sam buys a mobile home for Linda and has her sign a document giving him conservatorship rights over all her assets.

When Linda loses the lawsuit, things get ugly. She’s forced to dig her way out of debt with little resources but her faith. In the end, the humble widow continues to exemplify Christ’s unconditional love as she maintains her example of total forgiveness to those who need it the most.

Nate Rymer

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