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By Richard Encarnacion, Mba, Ph.D.

GENRE: Historical, Biography

Slaves have escaped the plantation, and now they're fighting back, with everything they got. Not just about their freedom, but it's the freedom of their kin. It's the south, Florida, and it's the end of the 1600s. The gulla wars have no mercy, everyone is either a victim or a fighter. 

How does history show this? 


In the American South, slavery was all too common.

But no one could escape, what was coming.

The Gulla Wars, the uprising. Warriors of Indigenous and African tribes who were waiting for a fight, with no weapons besides their fist. They choose death over slavery, death over captivity, and death over hatred.

"We fight as free men, or we die as slaves".

Words echoed through enslaved towns, in the old south.

"We either fight; as free men, or we die as slaves, We gonna die anyway; but are we gonna die as slaves? Or are we gonna die free?


Jon Shallit

Suggestions (not to be taken badly, please): They're fighting not their fighting. They have... not they got. It's not just about their freedom, but also the freedom of their kin.

1600's (then a period, please) The gulla wars spare no one; everyone is either a victim or a warrior.

Richard Encarnacion, Mba, Ph.D.

Thanks for the comment, a bit premature, I would say. I use this kind of like a rough note draft, and then I begin editing, etc. I didn't think anyone was going to be reading it. Also the word (got) Dictionary: verb past tense: got; past participle: got

1.come to have or hold (something); receive.

"I got the impression that she wasn't happy"

2.succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain.

"I need all the sleep I can get"

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