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By James W. Howard II

GENRE: Other

The zany antics of a small town preacher during his uphill climb provide the backdrop for this roller coaster ride witnessed through a series of religious cultural references, period nostalgia, lased with romantic comedy spanning the last 50 years.


"Life for me ain't been no crystal stair," says Michael Glover, a small town preacher who after setting his hand to the gospel plow looks back at his life, who despite his humble beginnings he realizes that he’s lead a charmed life, telling his story with such candor that it provides a ringside seat to many of the most memorable events.

Starting with his parents, L.C. and Mable Jean’s explosive courtship, shotgun wedding and tumultuous marriage, his many escapades with his eccentric Socialite grandmother, Ms. Shane where he picks up a few of her worldly vices. His attempt to see the light or so he thought in his quest for salvation only to discover that he didn’t see any light at all. The love of his life the Little Red Haired girl (Sharon) his childhood crush, and the harsh life lesson he learned when labeled as a social outcast in school at the hands of his teacher. His meeting his spiritual father, and mentor Bishop and being called by God, his wayward college life and coming to grips with the reality of lost love as he can only stand by aimlessly on the sidelines watching Sharon’s courtship unfold before his very eyes. Making a futile attempt to run from the call on his life but with a little persuasion his acceptance of that call, which leads to a chance participation in a college showcase called “Power Hour” where he is an immediate hit. His pioneering of a ministry, entering the work force during desperate times and being the best man at the wedding of the woman he ultimately loves, Sharon. Heartbroken, he finally realizes when God gets ready to move, you got to move so he forges ahead only to meet the Mother of all church Mothers and to finally presiding over a funeral with a sorrow that only heaven can bear. All of which occurs as the remarkable parade of his life goes by.

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