Nicholas Nazario

Nicholas Nazario

Actor, Director and Screenwriter

York, Pennsylvania

Member Since:
November 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Nicholas

I act because it's fun, and when I learned people do this work for a living I decided that it was how I wanted to make a living.

Odds are always stacked against you. And it's all relative. Or Subjective. But I've never cared about reality, I don't think I will ever want to live in the real world. I enjoy my fantasy. I enjoy the idea of wearing costumes.

Playing with emotions and imagination, is so very enjoyable to me, that I would never want to build another motorcycle, or compose an insurance policy, or tend to a shop, or bar or any one of the multitude of professions that I had to go through to come to this decision. Given the choice.

Now, the Great Recession has it's grip on all of us. And one must do for the mouths one makes. Pleasantly, has it been revealed to me, by sheer number of the real world rejections and months that turned into the past two years of struggles (7) that I am now finding my sole success, in the inches I have gained, pursuing my career as an actor.

Now, as in a maze, I am taking a step back and analysing my recent decisions. But instead of going back out to another maze, I am taking a look at a new route.

That's why I am signing up for 32. Maybe there's a chance to have the prize at the exit of this maze. Maybe, all my networking with the top talent in my region could lead to something great. Maybe someone I don't yet know has been waiting to see this, and has a spot for me or I may have a place for them.

Maybe as I type this on the floor of my bedroom, tucked into the corner where the outlets are so I can charge the phone while listening to my family sleeping, there is that possibility, that I am now on the right track that leads to finding my way out of this maze.

Of course, there will always be another maze, another mountain, another wave. And I'm looking forward to it all, but I can't do it alone. I'm in the maze where you play pretend all day... It's the funnest maze. Ever. Period. Drops Mic. Exit Right.





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