Ron Glick

Ron Glick

Kalispell, Montana

Member Since:
November 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Ron

Ron Glick (born January 20, 1969) is a community activist, and is presently active in several charitable enterprises. He was born in Plainville, KS. After living in various states, he currently lives in Kalispell, MT. He is the author of The Godslayer Cycle, Chaos Rising, the Oz-Wonderland series, and Ron El's Comic Book Trivia, as well as having written a screenplay adaptation of The Wizard In Wonderland. Additionally, he created the Golden Age Preservation Project as a means of making Golden Age comics more accessible to modern audiences. His expose, U.S. Political Prisoner Since 2004, broke him away from his fictional works to shed light upon political corruption in Montana.

"Ron Glick is an incredibly imaginative author..." - Sabrina Ricci

"[T]he author is a true storyteller." - Crystal of Orchard Book Club

"As a writer, I can tell you how hard it is to maintain a single voice, but to do two different styles is way beyond cool." - CP Bialois on The Wizard In Wonderland


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