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By Michael Leider

GENRE: Sci-fi

100 years from now a space cop is able to alter the outcome of events when a ruthless hijacker lures her into an anomaly that hurls her back in time.


It’s 2125. Interplanetary gold transporter Ezekiel Koamalu is murdered by fallen hero Hogan Knightshade.

In this era, the discovery of other universes makes space travel faster. The Earth is reeling from global warming and dying oceans. The prevailing energy device of the day is greenhouse-gas neutral but requires large amounts of gold.

Months before Ezekiel’s death, Knightshade is hijacking much needed interplanetary gold shipments. Sheridan Fitzgerald is a young scientist recruited by outer-space law enforcement to work the hijacking cases. During her investigation she reunites with Ezekiel, an old flame. Sheridan is ordered to use Ezekiel, his ship and copilot Jake, as decoys to capture Knightshade.

When the plan goes awry, they end up in a rogue-gravity wave - an anomaly that travels so fast it erases human and computer memory. The Rogue creates a fold in space-time and sends them back 65 million years to Earth’s past. Above prehistoric Earth, Sheridan attacks Knightshade’s ship.

Knightshade is forced to crash land on prehistoric Earth. Dinosaurs kill Knightshade’s crew but the tricky Knightshade steals Ezekiel’s ship and escapes just as the extinction asteroid is about to hit.

At the last possible second, Sheridan rescues Ezekiel and Jake. They later capture Knightshade and get back Ezekiel’s ship. They attempt to get back to their time in another rogue-gravity wave but a comet causes them to end up in the twentieth Century. In their next attempt to get back to their time, they end up 100 years too early.

From things that have just happened, Sheridan realizes nature has a way to deal with the paradoxes of time travel. Nature alters reality to make time travelers part of events. Knowing that, they risk sending information to the past that they believe will prevent the global warming disaster of their time.

Facing uncertainty and multiple dangers, including their ever-threatening prisoner Knightshade, they make it to their present. However, upon return, all memory of their time travel has been erased. Having no evidence, Knightshade is released.

Seeking revenge, Knightshade kills Ezekiel. Driven by her grief and anger, Sheridan digs deeper into an untested device designed to counter-act computer memory loss caused by light-speed travel in rogue-gravity waves.

Sheridan eventually discovers their warning message but it was never published. She also learns how they time traveled. She then uses that knowledge to retrace the trip back 100 years. While there, she takes measures to insure the prevention of global warming. She also sends a paper letter to forewarn Ezekiel of the time and place he’ll be murdered.

When a massive hurricane delays the letter’s predetermined delivery date to the last minutes, Ezekiel’s second chance to live hangs by a thread.

Sheridan, Ezekiel, Earth and its oceans prevail but all is not right. Ezekiel's long-time friend and copilot, Jake, has vanished - a victim of the paradoxes of time-travel.

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