About to embark upon third career as author and script writer. Company called 'Haylo' to be set up online in 2016 as portal for taking new consciousness into daily living through various mediums offered for use and purchase - books (audio and visual), movie scripts, languages, health and beauty products, interior design, live events (on and offline.)
Trilogy -
1). The Stirring - due for launch Spring 2017
2). The Scent - due for launch Christmas 2017 - movie script to follow
3.) The Karmic Curse Unveiled - due for launch 2018
Children's range of books coming soon.
Unique traits: Third and final career - so far, marketeer, cellular healer - some unique experiences of both sides of the human make-up to share through film/writing. Lived in 5 countries, travelled to over 20.
kings school canterbury
Simon Langton Grammar School, Canter