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By Harley Brattain

GENRE: Sci-fi, Thriller

“In the coming world where televised capital punishment is entertainment, a young woman is enlisted to be the new star executioner and faces moral challenges and an evil guy who wants the position."




The 2035 world of Feodora Forbes-Sander was one of rich history and scarlet profession. Growing up in the regal surroundings of the most famous Templar family of executioners that Europe has ever known, she was a favorite to King William and Queen Catherine, who called upon her to carry out clandestine acts until she met a rival from the Ordo Novi Sect while on a mission to the Amazon; he cut her deep and left her with the warning that their next encounter would end in her and her families death. The threat drove her into relative obscurity and she became a spiritual healer in the heart of London where she carried on a normal life. That lasted until the fall of a prominent Novi and the potential rise of her brother as a replacement executioner on the television show, Berry’s Method, that featured live executions by secret societal performers; then the Novi attacked her brother nearly killing him while she watched helplessly.

Realizing her staying clear of the Ordo Novi would not keep her or her family safe and that her Grandfather, a senior Templar, worked to keep the Templars relevant in this increasingly violent world of money, power and politics, Feodora decided the Novi soldier, Evil Kanarsky, who attacked her and her brother, must be dealt with; the only Templar young and strong enough to take on the magnate leader of the deadly order was herself. Kanarsky had built his reputation for killing from an early age in the dark and rainy streets of the remade Prussian Empire of northern Europe and the legend became that his Grandfather, Kaland, and Feodora’s, Octavian, have carried on a long and bloody feud over the death of a woman they both pined for. Kaland’s son was also killed in a skirmish with the Templars in the recent past and the rumors around the secret sects are that it was the daughter of Octavian, Beatrice, Feo’s Mother that killed him.

With the tensions between the orders at a pitch, the Queen of England pulled in a marker and gained approval from the powers in America to give Feodora the nod to become the replacement killer on the famous execution show and that is where the fun begins. Feudal war, exciting criminal trials that culminate in live executions and the sex that goes along with stardom are just the beginning of the thrills along this power ride through the world of Berry’s Method. “Your pioneering resource into the art of execution, where you’ll see the latest dispatches from around the globe, celebrating the learned techniques of neck-breaking, decapitation, electrocution, firing squads and never, never...never. LETHAL INJECTION.”

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