I was always the kid who was in the church plays- I started out as a little sheep, then an angel, then the singing Camel and eventually made my way up to mother Mary. I have spent most of my life on stage rather than on set, but I have the skills and the foundation to make the transition. My previous employers and directors have told me how impressed they are with how coach-able I am. I am able to pick up new skills and take direction very easily. At the moment, I am hoping to transition into being a working actor, ideally here in Los Angeles in the film industry, to do so, I am picking up as many skills as possible.
Unique traits: Clown, British & Southern Accents, Bartender, Yoga/Pilates (certified), Sketch Modeling, Sewing, Barista, Weight Lifting, Soprano/Alto
Left Behind, Waiting
by Clayton Guiltner
(Comedy, Drama and Music)
Actress A grieving father in a downward spiral stumbles across a box of his recently deceased son's demo tapes and lyrics. Shocked by the discovery of this unknown talent, he forms a band in the hope of finding some catharsis.
Film (short)
Julius Caesar
by Univeristy of Oklahoma
Julius Caesar
(Short and Comedy)
Actress A Supreme Court decision forces all universities to accept puppets as students. Following the exploits of Palmer during his first year of forced integration
University of Oklahoma