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By Rajkumar Kanagasingam

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Sci-fi, Thriller
LOGLINE: A detective sci-fi & fantasy film with Southeast Asian medieval historical events


The story is moving around a Wall Street billionaire hedge fund manager. The hedge fund manager, after seeking nadi astrology in India, is getting into a double deal by becoming a CIA’s intelligence officer with a special directive from the President of the United States of America to detect a drug cartel in Southeast Asia, in an exchange for using space and satellite technology to locate an island in the Strait of Malacca where in a tribal community his lover of previous birth is born as a beautiful dancer. According to astrology, when he was a prince and admiral in the Kingdom of Malacca in 1411 A.D., she was a daughter of a Javanese prince and the administrator of Singapura(present day Singapore), a province under the Kingdom of Majapahit based in Java. It is told in the astrology that their untimely death in the previous birth is passing onto the current birth and by getting married to her only he could be saved from the forthcoming trouble. After being practiced mantras in the Himalayas under a sage, he is acquiring the power of controlling others’ thoughts and actions even from remotely and the power of teleportation where he could shift him between two locations without crossing the physical space. He is using those powers and the latest satellite technology to locate the island and then rescue her in a deadly battle with billionaire drug lord who is in lust with her.

Sand Das

Nicely put together RK. All the best with it!!

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