Leroy Walker

Leroy Walker


Demopolis, Alabama

Member Since:
October 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Leroy

Favorite food: no discrimination
Favorite horror villain & why: Freddy, because he's the only that made sense.
People may have nightmares off of all other bad guys, but Freddy was the bad guy for it. He was actually a character made for nightmares, it was his roll. So when a child say they saw Freddy in dream, they also can say just like in the movies. But when they dream of any other bad guy, once wake up they would come to their senses. But as for Freddy they would come to believe that he actually came to them, exactly as the movie plots are based upon "Nightmares"
He wasn't scary at all to me tho, but loves how parallel his plot was to real nightmares....A character made for nightmares.

Would you further a Freddy movie?: yes I would put a bit of Mr. Walker in there. Have a title already called "Freddie's Vengeance From Hell" just haven't finished the plots. Perhaps me and Freddie's crew can bounce back with that. That a be so awesome.

Are you religious: Hell No, but I am a Sorceror, I'm highly adored by Lucifer, I'm highly respectful, honest, generous, frank, know when to play know when to say, and know when to get right down to business, leaving all bullshit aside.

What are your favorite colors: Every color

Married: YES, to Nicole Walker

Single: NoNo, and do not desire to be.
Children: They say I have a daughter out there, need to check on that, if I can find the mother. Sad but true.

Drugs: Marijuana, cigarettes and sometimes beer. Bud lights tho. Not in Hollywood yet so still drinking light.
Hahahahas...Naaaa I have a great deal of self esteem and self discipline, I may get a buzz but not wasted just enough to give greater degree to my creativities.
Creativity be my addiction.

Rule number one "Keep things great"
So don't wanna mess anything up. But I love listening to Future Leaders of the world, Smashing Pumpkins for some odd reason.

I'm so proned to my craft that if I was in a pool filled with Hollywood's most beautifulest females, I'd abandon them do to a great thought that needs to be written.

Work work work, earn earn earn and enjoy the fruits of your labor the the whole of the Law.

What do you think about bisexuals: I think they are who they are, and don't regret a second being on a planet with totally different people, different minds and etc. Keeps life interesting, judging non.

Where was you born: Demopolis Alabama.

Where do you live:
Demopolis Alabama 36732.

Full Name: Leroy Curtis Walker Jr.
Age: 32 turning "33" this October 27th

What are your plans for Hollywood:
I plan on making great movies in many genres. All genres.
I have many titles to start giving plot to, while a few titles I need to get back 2. Just finished a title and hoping the best for its success.


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