Member Since:
June 2012
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Madeline

My name is Madeline Ortiz and I live in the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. I’m a woman who faces the challenge of been raised in a median income family. I’m always working hard at school because I want to have a grant to go to college and I did. After that I want a career in psychology and I did. I want to work as a psychology and I didn’t ;-) the situations of life makes me yield and ended working in healthcare business. I’m glad about what my life turns and always am grateful for it.
In the in between of my life I played guitar, had a skateboard, a poet, all my friends personal counselor, a short film producer, a traveler and avid student of every interesting theme out there and until the end of my life a writer.
And that’s the turning point in my life, the self-revelation I had in December 2011 when I went to Los Angeles to take a two day workshop with Dov Simmens about filmmaking. I'm a writer, all my life I dedicated my free hours writing poems, shorts stories and lately short scripts because that’s the art I enjoy it most. I decided 2012 was going to be the year of learning the basics of screenwriting and during the path I took classes with John Truby and Guillermo Arriaga.
In 2013 I took a Cine Guerrilla workshop in Puerto Rico and worked as an 1st Assistant Director for a short film Romeo y Romeo by Film maker Luis Caballero. In recents days I took a Photographer workshop so in short words ….

I'm a counselor, poet, skateboarder, guitarist, painter, writer, producer and photographer….



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