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By Lawrence Leslie

GENRE: Action, Mystery, Thriller, War, Horror, Fantasy

After two F.B.I trainees are assigned to a newly formed F.B.I unit in Los Angeles to help investigate a mysterious car accident that might be related to a rash of unexplained murders, one of the patients at the asylum where the victim worked, telepathically tortures one of the trainees into believing there are supernatural forces at play.


Strange, vicious and unexplained murders are being committed in the L.A area between 1970 and 1997, which draws the attention of every local and surrounding law enforcement agencies including the F.B.I. In 1997 two F.B.I trainees KARL KYLES and ANTON WARREN join two supervisory agents PHILLIP MONTANE and DAVID JENKINS to form a new and experimental unit to assist on a specific case. DANIELLE CARSON who died in a car accident under suspicious circumstances several days earlier, worked at the Cambridge Clinic for the mentally challenged. The 4 man team, are given orders by their captain to investigate the accident scene, go to her recent place of employment and to the morgue after briefing them and playing a taped conversation where one of her co-workers was interviewed one day after her death.

Karl and Phillip head to the Cambridge Clinic while Anton and David head to the morgue. Karl and Phillip encounter RICHARD RIPPINGTON, and SHARON CAMBRIDGE, both head administrators at the clinic. Sharon sets up a conference room and introduces them to patient ANDREW EDGES who they interview since he was the last person to see and had an argument with Danielle the night she had the accident. The meeting gets interrupted by V, another patient at the clinic. Karl and V immediately engage each other as V begins to somehow telepathically torment Karl. After Anton and David meet up with Karl and Phillip, Anton pulls Karl alone and tells of the doctor who pulled him aside and gave him confidential and unbelievable information about Danielle’s death. They plan a secret meeting with the doctor which ultimately leads to the doctor’s death and them being blamed for his murder. They are eventually cleared of the charges but are kicked off the case and sent back to Washington to complete their training.

V continues to mentally torture Karl by giving him clues and telling him of future events. Shortly after Karl and Anton graduate, they are asked to rejoin the team after Phillip and David are involved in an incident at a club which leaves Phillip injured and David dead. Karl plans to go to the Asylum and expose V but before he could, V kills Richard Rippington’s daughter Juddie, who Karl was romantically involved with and frames Karl for the murder which gets him sent to the clinic as a patient. While in the asylum Andrew explains to Karl what he is and where he came from. Andrew also enlist Karl’s help to stop V before the year 2000 which V gets the ultimate power to control humanity. V explains to Karl how he came to be, what his plans are and gives Karl part of his power to join him. Unbeknownst to V, Andrew gives Karl part of himself as well. The epic battle takes place in the asylum the night before the new year 2000.


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