Former light tech responsible for transport, rigging, load in/out, operating and maintenance of professional lighting fixtures.
Theater, festivals and corporate events.
Tourcrew Bart Peeters: + 120 shows done.
Operating experience:
House of the Bull @ Rock Werchter/Les Ardentes/Dour
Feest in het Park
Studio Brussel Snowcase '14, '15, '16
Samsung Snowjam '13, '14 , '15
Bart Peeters : 'Op de groei '14-'16
Faces On TV 4 support shows
TV shows ( load in/out, assistent light tech)
De neus van Pinokkio
Mag ik U kussen ?
Bart & Siska
Zeg eens Euh
Beste Kijkers
Currently : Graphic design and visual motion.
Video Producer/director, editing, colorgrading and 360degree video editing of a youtube travel channel.