Kiss Me Comix

Kiss Me Comix

Rod Jenkins
Host/presenter, It Tech, Publisher, Stunt Performer, Author and Producer

Chicago, Illinois

Member Since:
June 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Kiss

As A child/teen always enjoyed writing have written several short stories along the way. In 1990 married my wife Barbara, and we started a small company called R & BJ Calligraphy, where we made custom cards for people.
Barbara's talented artwork, created works of art where, she was commissioned to illustrate a book. During that time we wrote stories for two Graphic Adventure titles: Serenade and Bountyhunter.
In 2000 Serenade was published under our new banner Kiss Me Comix, and Serenade remains a constant sellout to this date.
Kiss Me Comix as a multi-media entertainment platform, seeks to go into animation, bringing its unique adventures to a wide stream audience.

Unique traits: computer geek, pro-wrestler, writer, mutant ability for gadgets.



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