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By Kevin Dooley

GENRE: Action

When a steel mill shuts down after a greedy CEO runs off with the pensions, a group of workers decides if the union won’t get their money back, they’ll do it themselves. 


Flossmoor steel mill is shut down after the CEO embezzles the operating funds.

When PETE BECKER goes to collect his pension, he is told there is a problem.

The CEO is convicted but the pensions checks still aren’t coming, so Pete figures out the money was stolen.

Pete and his co-workers/army buddies decide to recover the stolen funds themselves by breaking into the CEOs mansion.

The men break in and find the hard drive, but SEAN and RYAN turn on PETE and WALT leaving them for dead.

Sean and Ryan meet with union director KARL and with hacker MISCHIEF to unlock the drive and keep the money for themselves.

Pete survives and discovers the betrayal.

Pete meets with PACEAUX the fence to set a trap.

Pete recovers the drive, returns the pension funds but keeps enough to set up his new life.

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