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By Ryan Sims

GENRE: Crime, Drama
LOGLINE: A rookie lawyer, experienced investigator and accused child molester search to discover the truth behind the disappearance of a young girl while facing their own southern prejudices.


Most racial issues are in the past for the small town of Bronwood, Alabama. Alvin Johnson, lead investigator for the sheriff's department, is black. Jay Davis is a young black man, as well, and proud to have just passed the Bar Exam. Jay is opening his new law practice right on the old town square. When two year old Faith Phillips goes missing from her home, her step father of six months, Jerry Wayne Lachey, is suspect number one when Faith's blood is found in his truck and his DNA on her re-covered underwear. Alvin recovers and thoroughly documents the forensic evidence that squarely points to Lachey as a child molester and murderer. Lachey is charged with capital murder. Prosecutor Rick Pugh and Judge Claude "Stir Fry" Lacy are all too ready to send a child killer to death row. Lachey is poor and can not afford a lawyer. Jay is appointed to the defense team of Lachey as a trainee. But southern prestigious do still exist. All three must battle these very prestigious to reveal the truth.


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