I can train all animals using positive re- inforcement with rewards and use clicker training to train tricks for enertainment & mental stimulation for animals in captivity. Experience with a wide variety of animals & specialise with training tricks and pet behaviour problems in particular aggression and fear related issues. I began training as a veterinary nurse before moving on to study animal welfare & behaviour - worked in 3 large UK rescues & offered private behaviour, training classes inhouse lectur es & consultations for the animal & thseir humans experiencing difficulties or unknown reasons for stiess with their pets. After a move abroad also worked with local vets & others help we set up rescue services, spey & neuter programmes & rescue/rehabilotiins in Spain to reduce the unwanted pet problems & I obtained a position with several local papers & wrote the weekly pet column for local & national papers & extra pets magazine.. Since returning to UK I've been writing a lot - also working on ideas for documentaries particularlly on canine behaviour issues - one dog househole & multi dog households with behaviour problems, canine development, socialisation and communication. I have worked with a variety of animals and am a keen campaigner & environmentalist. I have a keen interest in campaigning for a better world making positive steps towards change & mutalistic relationships to enhance changes necessary in our violent & throwaway society. My main priority is to help people better understan their dogs and reduce problems & the numbers being abandoned and euthanased but I have worked with many animals. During my time at an animal park I worked with reindeer, pigs, llamas, horses, goats, coatimuni, ferrets, rabbits & other small mammals rodents, reptiles, insects, taming wild deer., responsible for all of the parks animals health & welfare as well as training and putting on shows. In Spain we also used some of oir dogs in commercials with Majestic TV & also was asked to give talks on radio with Maurice B. Animal welfare is so very important to me and I hope with the help of media we can estabIish a footing to show the world how clever animals really are and how to prevent problems developing as well as easy ways to train them and deal effectively with behaviour problems. I also write a great deal on these issues and many others and use social media as an educational platform to raise awareness on many issues of animals in captivity and thise we keep as pets. in r,ime I would like to establish rescue kennels to train unwanted dogs to do useful things such as assistance dogs and specialist work with great dog trainers all things are possible! I am also working on some book ideas for both adults and children, to help reduce problem dogs in society as well as dog aggression and dog bites to humans who often simply misunderstand the dogs behaviour. Just setting up again back in the Uk, rescue wildlife and started 2 fundraising campaigns & also assist others with their campaigns for better animal welfare both in the UK and abroad.
Unique traits: Dealing with sick & injured animals working night & day with some fantastic people I gained experience with aggressive animals during veterinary nurse training & this gave me a deep need or deepseated desire to understand the behaviours the animals were exhibiting and why. I wanted to understand them better. I went on to further study & specialised with problem dogs particulary fearful dogs and those with more severe issues pets displaying particularly beligerant or dominance & fear based aggression. I have experience with wild animals, animals in captivity and household pets & a love of all animals and the natural world. Education on environmental issues & solutions I believe by showing the problems & solutions that.this rhe way we can begi to change some of the things that are so very wrong in our society through educational forms of media