Aron Sperling

Aron Sperling


Toronto, Canada

Member Since:
August 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Aron

My Apologies for not returning e mails and such.

Since being attacked while performing my duties as I have from 1990 to January 2013, on the evening on January 17, 2013 my career, life and entire being changed after a vicious unprovoked attack while do a Police call as a 'favor' to thier department.
Calming down a violent intoxicated man in a Shushi Bar who refused to pay his Bill was not suppose to be the end of my career, nor was almost losing my leg and life plus countless surgeries for 5 years.

I am here, glad to be alive, I do knot knows what happens next, mabe some needs a consultant or writter?

My name is Aron Sperling, I am a Paramedic in a busy city responding to 911 medical emergencies downtown for 23 years. I have worked on many movie sets when Paramedics are required during filming when stunts are involved and have provided advice when asked about scene reality and 911 procedures. I find the activity and busy pace to be extraordinary, it is organized chaos that I see and the dedication o all involved is amazing.
It is my desire to bring my experience to film sets to advise, consult and maybe act if opportunty presents itself, it is a dream to help create a TV series about the life of a Paramedic, and the world inside the back of an ambulance, that 10 minute ride that no one wants to take and Paramedics live for.
Imagine the concept of the very dark side of what medics see and the very dark humor that keeps them coming back and surviving through tragedy, trauma, death, violence, the relationships that go on with each other, hospital staff, other emergency services and the way Paramedics really interact in the heat of the moment with Police and Fire Fighters and the sick and injured who's hope is in a Paramedics hands for those few life threatening minutes. I think it would be different and addictive, I am hoping to hear from someone who wants to work with a Paramedic with 23 years of downtown experience and has suffered through good times and bad and wants to share the experience in artistic expression through the talents of amazing actors who would like to play the roles.
There is a whole different world and many stories to tell and I would like to work with someone who has interest, maybe call it THE CORE, CODE 4, THE CALL, just dreaming and wanting opportunity.
Thank you for the opportunity to post here.


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