Timothy Weckesser

Timothy Weckesser


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Member Since:
September 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Timothy

I founded a consulting company and managed it for 25 years I have researched and composed hundreds of international market and strategy studies for major U.S. corporations. I have also published several scholarly articles on China and a book on business services. My company may be viewed at . Before developing my own firm, I was Assistant Provost at Temple University, and before that a research consultant with a New York-based consulting firm. I am now retired from business.

My early life was focused on theater, and now I return to those creative roots, as well as to my academic interests. In the 1960s and ‘70s, my Ph.D. mentor was Professor Hannah Arendt who coined the phrase, "The banality of evil”, in her famous work, Eichmann in Jerusalem. This controversial concept has stayed with me throughout my career, and was a key motivation in researching and writing the historically based episodic script, The Sand Creek Massacre.

Contest achievements to date include:

- New York City International Screenplay Awards (2022)
- Portland Screenplay Awards (2023)
- ScriptMatrix Fellowship (2023)
- Reno-Tahoe Screenplay Contest (2021)
- Bluecat Screenplay competition (2021)
- Fresh Voices (2021)
- Reno-Tahoe Screenplay Contest (2021)
- Santa Barbara Int’l Screenplay Contest (2023)




  • The Sand Creek Massacre

    The Sand Creek Massacre Historical Set in Colorado Territory during the Civil War, Sand Creek is the true story of one of the greatest betrayals in American history, a tragic and sacred story mourned by the Cheyenne and Arapaho people to this day - and forever We Americans have made little progress in confronting our near genocide of Native Americans. This limited series is one effort to address this issue.

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