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By Andrew Graf

GENRE: Action, Thriller

When America’s first female President’s term is consumed by petty D.C. politics and overwhelming red tape, she relies upon Geneva 6, her “no rules” off the books team to battle the world’s criminal elite and defeat those hell-bent on during her Presidency to the ground.

As her inauguration inches closer, America’s President-Elect relies on her secret team to end a bomber’s world-wide terror campaign before it stains American soil and, ultimately, her political career with the blood of innocent lives.


In the short weeks leading up to her inauguration, world news is dominated by a series of unclaimed bombings in the world’s metropolitan cities. President Elect Janiyah Goodman is not getting help from anyone. The world thinks the bombers are suicide bombers, and thus dead. Sitting President Jacobs is irate, he is leaving his legacy to her and of the mind set it isn’t his problem in a few weeks. For those few weeks President Elect Goodman has no power, she is in a limbo of sorts.

She calls her old mentor, CIA Agent Shane Hatfield, who assures her that she has nothing to worry about. To catch a bomber of this magnitude, Hatfield pulls his protégé from a deep cover personal assignment, giving him incentive to catch the bomber at all cost. Reluctant, for fear of his past, CJ agrees. With the assistance of his tech nerd Toast and a boy-scout NSA Agent, CJ races to catch the bomber before the Inauguration.

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