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By Adriana Laplanche

GENRE: Action, Fantasy

Years after being smuggled into the brutal nation of Elysia, a young woman joins the hunt for a missing girl with the hopes of claiming the cash prize for herself and buying her way home, but discovers all is not what it seems.


Koda Grimshaw lives a tough but quiet life

in Praetor, one of three nations of Elysia,

built by the descendants of the Greek gods

after a bloody war between man & beast.

Following the war, all beasts were

enslaved - Koda, however, lives free.

Further away, the diplomat’s daughter,

Alexandria, is stolen from the capital.

Praetor announces a high-stake nationwide

bounty hunt drawing a mixed crowd.

But not all are loyal to Praetor.

Koda quietly attempts to build a ship to sail back

home but after years of work is destroyed

in one cruel, careless act by bounty hunt

soldiers - she decides to risk her cover and

join the hunt. But this is no mere hunt.

And Alexandria is no mere girl.

Nate Rymer

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