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By John Silver

GENRE: Thriller, Horror
    A timid girl tries to find a way out of a mysterious mansion and survive a barbaric televised game of survival. But an eccentric and ruthless TV host forces all Final Girls to fight for their freedom.


Clarice awakens in a motel room after surviving a live game of horror resulting in the deaths of her beloved friends at the hands of eccentric and sadistic TV show host Jordan Romero.

Realizing she is one of few Final Girls kept in Romero’s mansion, Clarice sees a bloody message on the wall of her room telling her to kill Romero and his demonic right-hand man, Reaper.

Clarice tries to use her smarts to escape the mansion and survive.

Clarice is able to escape the room in time before a trap is set off, releasing a poisonous gas. Clarice tries to evaluate the dynamics of the mansion (shifting structure) and clues for escape.

Reaper constantly pursues Clarice throughout as more violent traps are set off. Clarice realizes the other Final Girls who were kidnapped in the mansion are trying to kill each other to escape.

Clarice goes face-to-face with one of the Final Girls she is forced to kill in order to proceed to the final level.

Clarice’s opponent commits suicide after trying to break free from Reaper’s mind control before she is able to kill Clarice.

Clarice goes face-to-face with Romero who reveals his motive for his twisted games after being done dirty by the world for never fully investing in his “game-changing” idea for a horror television show.

After a grueling battle with Romero and Reaper, Clarice escapes the mansion and burns it down but sustains serious injuries. Her fate is unknown as she calls for help in the outside world

John Silver

Quick note: The synopsis written here is only a first draft rough synopsis. All feedback is welcome.

This idea is also influenced by my first short film "Romero's Haunted Horrors Survival Guide", which is a dark comedy horror about a TV horror game show making fun of character tropes in horror movies with rules to survive. This idea would simply shift from dark comedy horror to drama horror/thriller survival with psychological elements and focusing on the Final Girl trope of different types (Ellen Ripley, Sidney Prescott, Laurie Strode, Tree Gelbman, and Grace from Ready or Not).

Nate Rymer

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