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By Max Lehman

GENRE: Comedy
  • Genre: Comedy-Horror/Fantasy/Creature Feature
  • Logline: A man goes to the Catskills in New York to rescue his dad from Jewish Vampires running a Bed & Breakfast. 
  • Tagline: The forces of evil are getting verklempt

Comparisons: “Dracula: Dead and Loving It” meets “Get Out” with a dash of “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”


DISCLAIMER: The author retains the soleful ownership of the story, and script has been registered/copyrighted with the U.S. Government as of March 31, 2021

  • 1st Act
  1. Eric Lowenstein is on his way home from business trip. Goes missing. Last known whereabouts: some B&B in the Catskills.
  2. While looking for his dad, Marvin has run-ins with Neo-Nazis, Toby and Yvonne Peckerwood, and a retired monster hunter, Vincent Cartwright, at a tavern being run by his daughter, Rhonda. Vincent warns Marvin his dad has been taken by vampires.
  • 2nd Act
  • So Marvin retreats back to the tavern to get Vincent’s help. But Vincent is of little help, because he made a truce to not directly interfere with the Vampire’s business. Marvin also makes the fatal mistake of not calling his mother first. So Patricia gets a call from the vampires pretending to be her husband and gets lured up to the B&B. She’s very disappointed in Marvin.
    • 3rd Act
    • The Nazis are overpowered, and become the bloody victims of the Jews. But they serve to be enough of a distraction for Rhonda to sneak in, and feed Marvin and Eric a bacon cheeseburger. The un-Kosher food makes them counter the power of Jewish Vampires. Marvin and Eric manage to fight their way out, kill the malicious Vampires, and save Patricia in the process. The family once divided at the beginning of the movie is finally united.
    • But is this truly the end of the Vampire’s curse?

Mark Heath Howard

Max, how do I get a copy of the script to read it?

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