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By Max Lehman

GENRE: Comedy

Logline: An unemployed stoner gamer girl in present-day NYC gets involved in the fast food restaurants fighting over the future of mankind. 

Tagline: Buh-Gaww with me if you want to Buh-Gawww 

Comparisons: It's "The Terminator" meets "Super High Me"


An unemployed stoner chick, Kayla Higgins aka gamertag: Chicky_Chicky420, is visited by a KFC-made robot from the future to keep her chicken warm while she plays video games in her NYC apartment.

She is then saved by a Desperado dressed in Taco Bell wrappers.

At a cantina in the desert (somewhere outside of Yonkers), she learns she is the key to KFC's dominance over the fast food market and humanity when she gets stoned enough to realize the secrets KFC needs to maintain their present.

War seems ready between the KFC and Burger King armies versus Taco Bell and Pizza Hut. Each army has its own distinct fighting style. Tensions rise as the Colonel arrives himself to offer Kayla an unlimited supply of the 14th Herb to his secret recipe aka Mary J.

The Taco Bell Desperado reveals they are Kayla from the future, and avoiding giving in to KFC's offer is the only way to save humanity.

Kayla, faced against herself, smokes weed not to destroy the planet, but to bring all her favorite fast food places together and play some video games.

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