Antonia Roman

Antonia Roman

That's So Funny Entertainment
Director, Producer and Screenwriter

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
February 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Antonia

Antonia Roman is a Latina, Puerto Rican, born and raised in New York. She has Bachelor Degrees in Drama, Theater & Dance and Media Studies. She is a Producer, Director and Writer who has worked in Theater, Film and TV productions.

Her book series “Confessions of a Christian Woman: A Journey in Marriage” started her on a writing trajectory in gaining interest to explore the structured format of screenwriting for television.

She is a 2022 recipient of the Catalyst Storieroad Institute Scholarship, a mentoring program that helps bring your story to life and propel your career to the next level . As well she is participating in The Greenhouse Productions initiative program Catalyst Writers Group under the direction of Showrunner, Sheryl J. Anderson.

Her directorial debut “Lose to Win” film is currently in the festival circuit and made its premiere in London. She was accepted into the FALL 2022 Fast Track Fellowship Second Round for her “Believers” script.

Antonia is an alumni of The Writers Room 50/50, JHRTS Writers Group and ReadLatinxWriters Initiative.
She currently resides in Los Angeles, CA.




  • Believers

    Believers Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama Thriller "When a born again Christian renounces her family witchcraft traditions, she wrestles with her mother's spirit to fulfill the ministry call in her life."



  • ISA Fast Track Fellowship Second Round

  • Great Production Value, New Media Film Festival

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