Fernie Mary

Fernie Mary


London, England

Member Since:
February 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Fernie

I am an aspiring screenwriter who loves all about the craft of storytelling. I am passionate about meeting people and exchanging cultural experiences and support projects that promote inclusivity & diversity. With a strong track record working in film festivals across London I am currently seeking opportunities in script development projects in Film and TV that support unheard voices from all corners of the world.

Current writing projects:
*a comedy TV pilot about a group of outsiders who meet in a bedsit in London and try to help each other with their family struggles.

*an adventure animated feature about a 11-year-boy who sets himself on an impossible mission to rescue his talking rabbit pet from nasty fur hunters.

Happy to read your script and provide feedback as I am looking to get more experience as a script reader. DM me.



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