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By Mehmet Sukuroglu

GENRE: Sci-fi
LOGLINE: A musician and his tech-genius buddy decipher the musical codes and find the parallel universes, will they break the code and engage the next dimensions?


Slim is a gifted musician and popular teacher fascinated by the science of sound, the human brain, and parallel universes. He works with LIDAR, a laser system used in music concerts as well as the military, that may create a door to another reality. Sarah, a talented young singer, is attracted to Slim.From another dimension, Mozart tries to help Slim decipher the musical codes but superior beings from that realm try to thwart them for fear it'll trigger access to other worlds. Romantic tensions rise and Slim creates a music and graphics program pressing against the very doors of perception and edges of reality. Will they break the code and engage the next dimensions? Slim and his tech-genius buddy Zak build a machine to decode the Mozart opera but the superior beings fear it'll suck them all out of their world so they plan to sabotage their work. It all evolves into tug of war between Sarah and Slim's girl friend Kate for Slim's affections and between Sarah's mother Marsha and Zak for his mind. Meanwhile, realities warp and swirl dangerously around them.

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