Mike Lemon

Mike Lemon

Big Squeeze Productions

Chicago, Illinois

Member Since:
August 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Mike

I am an up-and-coming film producer with a corporate marketing, business strategy, and fundraising background. I am an Associate Producer for a documentary in production, focusing on one of the world's premier theater companies in Chicago.I am also working on another documentary about my uncle, a distinguished United States Air Force fighter pilot who served in Vietnam. One night, he was dispatched on a mission, and his aircraft mysteriously vanished. Over the past 53 years, we have been dedicated to unraveling the events surrounding that fateful night, seeking answers, and ultimately finding closure. We have raised the first round if investments and are currently connecting with additional investors to begin production later in 2024.

Unique traits: Marketing, Distribution, Fundraising, Producing



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