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By Philip Webb

GENRE: Action, Drama
LOGLINE: It’s up to Special Agent Kennedy to uncover the master mind behind the terrorist plot to take over D.C. and the World and it’s not always about guns and bomb.


After the bombing of a USA Naval ship in Yemen, the whole World is up in arms. However, was the bombing merely a cover up for what’s really coming down the pipe? Kamel Kahlil is the strong arm who is pushing forward the plan to take over DC and possibly the World. His boss, the real master mind, has the brains and financial backing to pull off a high risk plot. What they don’t realize is who they are up against! FBI Agent Kennedy; computer data specialist, is in charge of cracking the code that can possibly lead him to who is behind the bombing. What he finds will shock the World and have everyone rethinking what really is a “Terrorist”.

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