Have authored and co-authored eleven books, and ghostwritten a number of nonfiction and fiction works that have, collectively, generated eleven film options; scripted the documentary Someone Who Cares; founded UCS PRESS in 1987; focusing on scriptwriting -- three scripts in progress: Mountain of Pain, solo; collaborating on TV pilot script; also, on script, Through Soghomon's Eyes. Represent the fiction and nonfiction works of twenty authors. Genres include True Crime, history, Sherlock Holmes, romance, literature, action/adventure, child-raising, Bible-inspired, relationships, self-help, and allegory. Born in California; graduated from Arizona State University with B.A. degree in Political Science. Career stops have included sports writer/columnist, publications editor, ad agency publicity director, newspaper publisher, and freelance writer. Best known as co-author of Winnie Ruth Judd: The Trunk Murders (1973 Grosset & Dunlap release; 18 month run in Doubleday Bargain Book Club; nominated for Crime Book of the Year; 6-times optioned as possible film).