Mrs. Gibbs--Our Town--University of Washington
Smoky Fields/13-year-old-girl--Cider House Rules--University of Washington
They Beat the Girl Out of the Boy--Vagina Monologues--University of Washington
Mishka--Fools--Hillel, Seattle Jewish Life Center
Claire--Fuddy Meers--University of Washington
Nurse (sup.)--Awesome!--Robert Russel: QMR - The Respectful Workplace Company
Calloway (lead)--A.P.E.--Zero Horizon Film & Media LLC
Wife (lead)--Still Noir--Paul Maupoux
Mother/widow (sup.)--Research Documentary--Rebecca Brigham: University of Washington Autism Center
Ghost (lead)--No title--Ernest Yang
Running/Build/Strike--This is How It Goes--Amphibian Productions(Fort Worth)
Sound Assist/Sound Board Op/Build /Strike--Miss Witherspoon--Amphibian Productions (Fort Worth)
Sound Designer--‘Night Mother--Hillel Jewish Life Center (Seattle)
Sound Designer--Breathing Spaces--KPRoductions (Seattle)
Costume Designer--Lying Around--Undergraduate Theatre Society
Costume Designer--Marriage Play--Undergraduate Theatre Society
Costume Assist--Shameless Plug--Undergraduate Theatre Society
Running/Strike--135th street--University of Washington
Costume Crew--Humor Me--University of Washington
Spot Light--Good Woman of Setzuan--University of Washington
3 years choral & gospel singing, Standard British dialect, Irish accent, Southern accent, Valley Girl accent, ballet and jazz movement, experienced Looney Tunes costume character, crocheting, machine sewing, costume designer, intermediate Cello performance, drive a manual transmission, valid passport, sound board technician, spot light technician
Unique traits: I am rather flexible for someone who has not danced professional in a few years. There is a "freckle" in my left iris.
University of Washington