NYU - Tisch School of the Arts, Department of Film and Television

NYU - Tisch School of the Arts, Department of Film and Television

NYU - Tisch School of the Arts, Department of Film and Television

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At least 159 Stage 32 members have attended NYU - Tisch School of the Arts, Department of Film and Television:
Jamieson Shea

Jamieson Shea

Filmmaker, Producer and Screenwriter from Peterborough, New Hampshire
Alessandra Sangi Varsano

Alessandra Sangi Varsano

Art Department Coordinator from Seattle, Washington
Skye Dent

Skye Dent

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Ashli Cubit

Ashli Cubit

Screenwriter, Director and Producer from Seattle, Washington
Cinette C Clark

Cinette C Clark

Production Assistant, Content Creator and Crafty from Montclair, New Jersey
Aarón Álvarez

Aarón Álvarez

Actor, Producer and Music Editor from Atlanta, Georgia
Warren Higginbothan

Warren Higginbothan

Accountant from Chicago Ridge, Illinois
Ruben O'Malley

Ruben O'Malley

Cinematographer, Director of Photography and Camera Operator from San Francisco, California
Manfred Moore

Manfred Moore

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Aisha Ford

Aisha Ford

Filmmaker from Brooklyn, New York
Julia M. Sauder

Julia M. Sauder

Screenwriter from Randolph, New Jersey
Christos N. Karakasis

Christos N. Karakasis

Acting Teacher, Cinematographer and Director from Athens, Greece
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