Pepper McGowan

Pepper McGowan

Inky Midnight Multimedia
Author, Colorist, Concept Artist, Crafty, Location Scout, Music Composer, Musician, Set Designer, Singer, Songwriter, Voice Actor, Actor, Makeup Artist, Narrator, Photographer (Still), Prop Master, Researcher and Script Consultant

Cleveland, Ohio

Member Since:
January 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Pepper

I was an extra in A Christmas Story and did more behind the scenes work until a few independent regional films, often jumping in when someone didn't show up for a smaller role to save time and budget, I have no formal acting education but I enjoyed what I've done thus far and did it to professional standard, I am capable of a variety of different looks and accents.

Unique traits: Former Contortionist. Licensed Astrologer {TV and radio appearances for this and a weekly column in a Cleveland Art/Music Newspaper}. Cat wrangler.



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