Acting : First film by Director Shadadow

Director Shadadow

First film

Any advice for a young indie artist on filming there first film

Abigail Yates

What is your role in the production?

Jeremy Trahan

Write screenplay about things you know

Jeremy Trahan

Only write 90 pages

Jeremy Trahan

90-120 pages I mean sorry about that

Jeremy Trahan

Start off working as a on set Production Assistant then find your niche as you work on the film

Elisabeth Meier

I would begin with a short film and with a small crew to keep the budget small. This will lead to that all of you have more than one job to do - but the positive part is that you learn more.

Surya Narayana A

Just be yourself...things will come on their way.

John O'Hara

First volunteer to work on other peoples projects then learn from THEIR mistakes especially in doing production audio. After 4-5 projects try a short film with just 2 characters and be sure you get GREAT production audio (that is 70% of the film and audiences don't tolerate production audio mistakes). If you haven't figured out how to do that after 5 projects then find someone who does know. Camera choice is NOT critical - photography is about LIGHTING (learn it very well) and composition (learn the basics from still photo courses) - an iphone can shoot great movies (there are film festivals devoted to them)!

Director Shadadow

Thanks a lot for the breakdown John

John O'Hara

Here's a great example of filmmaking on an iphone with behind the scenes footage as well Also, the shorter the story the more demanding it is to have a great storyboard. Storyboarding helps to design transitions, complex shots, work out camera placement - especially with 2 or more cameras, and helps with capturing performance nuances key to engaging the audience. A key element I often see missing in independent productions are visual clues that give insight to what will be coming next in the story.

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