Anything Goes : “Stirring Life's Pot” by Nastaran Nouri

Nastaran Nouri

“Stirring Life's Pot”

While preparing pudding and stirring it slowly for minutes, I couldn't help but realize how we often underestimate the intelligence involved in cooking, baking, mixing, and various processes. The energies at play around us during these activities often go unnoticed, and we move through them without full awareness. Take this pudding, for instance – it requires a delicate balance. If the temperature is too high, it becomes lumpy, hastening through its natural thickening process. On the other hand, if the temperature is too low, it takes extra time to thicken. Placing it in the fridge while too hot can break the ingredients, presenting ongoing challenges.

Upon reflection, life mirrors this delicate dance; we need a steady stirring for our wants and desires to physically manifest. Going too hot, you risk burning out or losing grounding, leading to hasty decisions that might result in outcomes different from what you wished for. Conversely, going too cold prolongs the journey to the point where self-doubt or missed opportunities may occur. Balancing this requires time, but it is achievable. When you master it, your pudding becomes irresistible.

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