Cinematography : Aspiring Filmmaker by Shanika Freeman

Shanika Freeman

Aspiring Filmmaker

Hello everyone, My name is Shanika. Call me Neeko. I am a composer and artist , who loves film and tv. I always had an interest in directing, but chose to pursue music, first. I'm just about finish with College(Theatre Major), finally, and I wanted to take some time to explore my love for film. I wanted to start directing my own short films, but I feel a bit lost as to where to start. I have a very old Samsung L200 camera and a samsung galaxy camera phone. Those things will not do, I know. So, what starter kits can you recommend that are under $1,000 usd? Also, any tips on gaining more information about directing (experience, tips, etc...) Thank you, a bunch. :)

Joe Morley

For tips on directing - just type in 'film directing tips' on YouTube, you'll be amazed at what you can learn from that. There will also be similar videos at the side of any video you find which can lead you onto more filmmaking videos; I can go on for hours on end watching videos about film! One channel I always keep updated on watching is FilmRiot so you should check that out. As they say on FilmRiot, if you want to get better at making films - "write, shoot, edit, repeat"

Adrian Gomez

Well, In a very simple answer with that money: I'll go with a cheap DSLR with kit lens video capable and some work lights, and food for your crew! everything else could be done with imagination and a lot of effort. And go easy with your script, you don't need a lot of characters and extras and locations in your first attempt... you will soon see why.

Shanika Freeman

Joe, I checked out Film Riot! That channel is wonderful, thank you for sharing that information. Adrian, thank you for your advice and information. I will definitely check out DSLR's and invest in great lenses. Thank you both. :)

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