Distribution : To festival or not to festival? by Julian Baner

Julian Baner

To festival or not to festival?

Figured this might be a good discussion for lots of folks. I am about to complete post-production on my first feature ($25,000 budget, no names) and am trying to figure out my distribution strategy. I am leaning towards ramping up my audience-building (which I've been doing for quite some time) and jumping straight into self-distribution (Amazon TVOD?) for obvious reasons, but I question if it may be worth waiting until next spring to premiere at a festival, even if just for the experience, before ruining any chance of that by going online. Any thoughts? Is there realistically a sizable advantage by premiering at a, let's say, B-tier festival in terms of marketing and distribution? And if I self-distribute what are your opinions on the platform(s) I should use?

Erik A. Jacobson

Indie Film Hustle has a couple of good podcasts on distribution. Check them out. Also, spend the time to make an eye-catching poster and trailer. It'll pay off.

Julian Baner

Agreed! Big fan of Indie Film Hustle^

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Julian Baner Connect with me here, and contact me through ondemand.global which is announcing it's launch very soon. I have 25 years in fi with youlm/TV and can discuss direct the issues you may be facing.

Julian Baner

Thanks Shadow! Just sent an email

John Ellis

Julian Baner connection request sent. I'd love to keep in touch and be kept apprised of your progress. As an indie writer-producer, this topic is very important to our efforts.

Julian Baner

Thanks for the request John! I'll be sure to keep you in the loop!

Jae Sinclair

I hired a sales agent. Part of the contract is that they must attend the three major film markets. They also don't get paid until they sell. When you don't have "names," film festivals are best for niche films. If you are using a strong social message that hasn't been touched much (or a super unique perspective), the festival route may also be a good one. Otherwise, if you are going through an aggregator for Prime, etc. understand that, if you don't have a ridiculous amount of people clicking, the payout is almost nothing (like cents per hour viewed). If it's a completed feature though, consider reaching out to sales agents and negotiate a deal with one that has experience selling. If they have faith that they can make money from your film, they'll be glad to represent you and make their money on the back end.

Stephen Foster

My film won 24 film festival awards. I say FESTIVAL IF you work them!

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