Introduce Yourself : Experienced Media & Entertainment Lawyer In Chicago, Serving Client Nationwide by David M. Adler

David M. Adler

Experienced Media & Entertainment Lawyer In Chicago, Serving Client Nationwide

Hi Everyone, I'm a Chicago-based Media & Entertainment Lawyer with over 24 years of experience assisting creative professionals, talent, financiers and entrepreneurs in Film, Multimedia, Publishing & Print Media, Live & Recorded Music, TV & Radio, Theater & Dance, Visual Arts & Design, Defamation/First Amendment.

I am available for clients with projects in all stages of development.

Feel free to get in touch! I offer a no-fee, no-obligation, initial consultation (up to 30 mins.) to learn about your needs and discuss what we have done for others like you. (866) 734-2568.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Altough I'm from the Netherlands I will certainly call you at some point in time for advice,; this concerning a film project of mine.. Thanks for sharing.

David M. Adler

Thanks for saying Hi!

Jimmy Star

I have many projects I am seeking financing assist financiers, do you have any financiers looking for great projects?

David M. Adler

Hi Jimmy, I assist by providing legal counsel. It could be advising on possible financing strategies for a project. It could be drafting documents to memorialize an investment.

Jimmy Star

thank you appreciate it.

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