Introduce Yourself : Filmmaker / Photographer by Scott Cronan

Scott Cronan

Filmmaker / Photographer

Greetings. I am diving in to introduce myself to this community. I am a Director and DoP and paid my dues learning in the business for many years as a PA, Art Department Swing, and non-linear editor. My biggest clients in the past five years being Apple and AOL among ABC, Sony, and many others. Last year I completed my first ever short film, which I shot and directed and edited, called Forgiveness is a Weapon. In February of this year, I traveled to London to support my film in an international festival where it won the award for BEST SHORT FILM. On the heals of this win, and validation for all my years of hard work and learning, I am beginning to raise funds for my first feature film due to hit festivals in early 2017. Please take a moment and look at my new website. You can get a sense of who I am as an artist and the type of stories I will be telling during my career. Thank you and nice to 'meet' you! Scott Cronan

Derrek S. Luke

Hey Scott, great to have your talent here to connect with! Congrats on your wins and the successes ahead!

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