Introduce Yourself : Hello Everyone, Introducing myself here... by Meera G

Meera G

Hello Everyone, Introducing myself here...

I'm Puja an Actor, Filmmaker, Voice Over Artist and Writer from India and presently working on the post production of my first film SEED CLUB. I'm looking to collaborate and connect with likeminded people.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great to meet you, Meera G, and welcome to the community! You've definitely come to the right place! Congrats on your first film, that's awesome! What this your first film as a writer or as a director or as an actor or as a producer?

Meera G

Hi Karen, Thank you for your warm greetings. This is my first film as a writer, director and producer and I look forward to wrapping up the post, by October end and look forward to finding Distributors for it.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

Meera G what a great momentum, congratulations and best of continued success with your current and future projects!

James Welday

Pleased to meet you, Puja!

David P Perlmutter

Hi Puja and everyone

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