Introduce Yourself : Illustrator, storyboard artist, painter by Chad Glass

Chad Glass

Illustrator, storyboard artist, painter

Greetings, all. I'm based in Austin, Texas, formerly from Los Angeles. I have extensive experience in visual storytelling and love to draw :) Cheers, Chad

Bo. R. R. Tolkien

awesome. I would love your help with my series. I'm leaning towards animation because live action would require lots of visual effects, because there are dragons, tigers, monkeys and all sorts of creatures that can talk who interact with humans . What makes this series great, in my opinion, is that it has a lot of grit, action, adventure, and surprises. If I had to describe my series it is pretty close to AVATAR: The Last Air Bender and LOST. The target audience is 13+. I'm currently writing it and should be completed by August. From there, I don't know where it will take me.

Nelle Nelle

Welcome to the community, Chad!

Chad Glass

Thank you, Bo. Thank you, JL ;)

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