Introduce Yourself : MLH Productions (& a Peter Wintonick devotee) by Margaret Lindsay Holton

Margaret Lindsay Holton

MLH Productions (& a Peter Wintonick devotee)

Hi everyone, I'm new to Stage 32. A mid-career, multi-disciplined, award-winning self-taught Canadian author, artist & local activist, I'm interested in indie feature productions that have a down-to-Earth documentary bent ... Am sitting on a few published & unpublished screenplays/scripts/novels & stories, looking for that Late Great 'Peter Wintonick' (bless him!) producer-type connection ... I'm primarily interested in the Canadian market and working up that oft described 'quirky' contemporary Canadian 'vision'. Not interested in alien, zombie or blood & guts 'thrillers', (yet wont overlook a masterfully told murder mystery a la Hitchcock. :) ~ If you've got a Wintonick-type producing persona, and are interested in something a bit different, indie-wise, please 'connect'. On & Up! ~ Cheers, mlh

Lee Dunnavant (Lebo)

Love quirk ... I too can be kinda quirky ... Thumbs up to a fellow Hitchcockesque fan ... Will check out your writing samples & photography ... Good luck, MJH! ..Lebo

Margaret Lindsay Holton

Cheers Lee. mlh

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