Post-Production : The Times They Are a Changin' (Thanks Bob Dylan) by Jim Ross

Jim Ross

The Times They Are a Changin' (Thanks Bob Dylan)

Soooooo. . . Got me a little part time COVID19 gig utilizing my 20 years experience in the business. I'm inventorying some donated video equipment to a not-for-profit community organization.

It's actually pretty fun albeit a little sad to research and look up video equipment that once sold for thousands and thousands of dollars that is now basically worth nothing because most of it is totally obsolete.

To hold a $50K camera that is now just a useless paperweight because it shoots standard def. To look at giant video storage racks that are the length and width of a coffee table that cost tens of thousands of dollars that hold less storage space than the four internal drives of my Mac Pro. Weird.

In the Lord of the Rings box set there are behind the scenes shots where a post production team member brags about how they are bringing in a (gasp!) Terabyte of Avid storage! He says terabyte like a foreign word because at the time it was! I'm sure it cost tens of thousands of dollars. Here now, I have not one but TWO Drobo raids that hold five times that amount of data. Each! For less than $2,500. It's probably less now.

Technology rolls on and things come and go. It just seems that it is sped up many times faster now.

I started in this business 20 years ago. My first edit ready PC was $5k, software $5k, Camera $5k. I was already out $15K and didn't even have a light yet! Or a mic! Today you can do it for a couple grand. Yeah that's both good and bad. Good that barriers are gone, and bad that barriers are gone. Now any talented person can get in - that's good. Now any knucklehead with no talent can get in. That's the bad.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Congrats on the gig, Jim Ross ! This happens a lot with public access television and other indie filmmakers. I may have some outdated g&e equipment in my apartment even now LOL!

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