Screenwriting : Animated Series Pitches by Jarrett Jha'Ron Garcia

Jarrett Jha'Ron Garcia

Animated Series Pitches

Hey fellow writers I am a script writer that works more in animated series. I've pitched a pilot for BLue cat and got some good feedback. I want to pitch on stage32 but it never seems to be anybody that wants an animated show pitched. Any advice? Or should I just pitch it to the all genre producers?

Wade McGrath

This is the boat I'm in. Honestly, I'd rather start just working on an animated show until I have the clout to pitch my own; though that hasn't stopped me from writing a pilot episode or two.

That said, I'm struggling to find opportunities to get that first foot in the door regardless!

Have you worked in the industry yet?

Imo Wimana Chadband

Hey Jarrett Jha'Ron Garcia and Wade McGrath I understand what you mean. I'd say, to shoot an email to Jason Mirch at He's the Director of Script Services, and is a huge help with guidance.


Steve Cleary

I'd build a portfolio of shorts and send them to festivals. There are a lot of offshore animators you can hire for cheap, especially if the project is lo-fi. Hope that's helpful and Good luck!

Wade McGrath

Thanks so much Imo Wimana Chadband, I'll craft something this weekend to send out.

Imo Wimana Chadband

You're welcome Wade McGrath Best wishes!

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